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Les espoirs du tennis.
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Pour tous les fans du tennis en particulier aux jeunes espoirs.
Venez vous vous sentirez bien:)
Ce groupe bien sympathique est en cours d évolution au rang de groupe important :)
Si vous aimez le tennis et les espoirs du tennis c est la que ça se passe
Toujours de bonne humeur ,souvent actifs , bon pronostiqueur
Срд 29
Australia_35 left the group
Суб 7
AtpAndwtA left the group
Аўт 6
Bibilolo left the group
Аўт 6
Murray_no1 left the group
Аўт 22
zoltum left the group
Пан 21
alanpocok left the group
Чцв 17
Xavidylle left the group
Няд 30
Tennis98 left the group
Няд 30
Hugo B. left the group
Пят 21
AtpAndwtA joined the group
Суб 15
paulo02 left the group
Суб 15
paulo02 joined the group
Суб 15
DJoko1 left the group
Срд 12
DJoko1 joined the group
Срд 5
Joey left the group
Срд 5
Dorriere left the group
Срд 5
Dorriere joined the group
Пят 28
DJoko1 left the group
Чцв 27
juan left the group
Чцв 27
Joey joined the group
Чцв 27
DJoko1 joined the group
Срд 26
Angelo M. left the group
Срд 26
Angelo M. joined the group
Аўт 25
Xavidylle joined the group
Аўт 25
TOPNIVEAU46 left the group
Чцв 20
TOPNIVEAU46 joined the group
Пан 17
juan joined the group
Суб 15
Matt' left the group
Суб 15
RichardTsonga left the group
Суб 8
zoltum joined the group
Суб 8
Bibilolo joined the group
Пят 7
Murray_no1 joined the group
Чцв 6
alexenrdre left the group
Срд 5
Gregtennis joined the group
Пан 27
francetennis joined the group
Суб 25
lyonnais joined the group
Суб 25
Angelo M. left the group
Пят 24
alexenrdre joined the group
Чцв 23
PeeWhaye joined the group
Чцв 23
Matt' joined the group
Срд 22
RichardTsonga joined the group
Срд 22
Angelo M. joined the group
Срд 22
Joey left the group
Срд 22
Joey joined the group
Аўт 21
Pistachune joined the group
Пан 20
Yanis Meynaud joined the group
Пан 20
valentin26 joined the group
Няд 19
jl_du_09 joined the group
Няд 19
Hugo B. joined the group
Няд 19
fandemonfils/jo/cornet left the group
They are in the group
733 missing translations
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