Magic tennis
Join the group
Salut a tous ! Le groupe Magic tennis est ouvert a tous ! Vous pouvez donc supporter, en toute liberté, les joueurs que vous aimez !
Au sein du groupe, la bonne ambiance doit régner !
Des places de modérateur, administrateur et super administrateur sont à gagnées soit grâce a l'investissement dans le groupe soit grâce au tournoi de pronostics qui ont lieu dans le groupe !
Vous voulez être un Magic TTiste ? Rejoignez nous ;)
Date de création du groupe : Vendredi 25 aout 2017
Няд 27
Kikoooooo left the group
Няд 22
Jimos left the group
Пан 13
tarpluuu left the group
Аўт 5
Kylian29 left the group
Пят 25
BILL3813 left the group
Чцв 24
DanyVee left the group
Няд 28
anonyme left the group
Няд 30
FreeKyrgios left the group
Пят 14
Nicolas “RedFools” left the group
Няд 9
patmau left the group
Чцв 6
vivien_lacroix left the group
Чцв 6
typhaine26 left the group
Пан 27
DomiFélix ❤️ left the group
Пан 20
Djokodu972 left the group
Суб 18
Crut left the group
Пят 17
Khapova left the group
Аўт 14
MathIE left the group
Няд 12
UPTennis left the group
Срд 25
juju91 left the group
Срд 18
Sharapovalov81 left the group
Срд 11
Sharapovalov81 left the group
Срд 11
Sharapovalov81 left the group
Срд 4
bulgaaross left the group
Пят 29
dams43mwa left the group
Пан 25
RafaRoger12_fr left the group
Чцв 10
12345 left the group
Срд 11
teutof13 joined the group
Пан 9
A13 left the group
Суб 7
Alexis Bonnier left the group
Суб 31
Khapova joined the group
Пят 30
Khapova left the group
Срд 14
Masha4 joined the group
Пан 12
Antho0651 joined the group
Няд 11
DanyVee joined the group
Суб 10
Sanka joined the group
Чцв 8
ghrz joined the group
Аўт 6
Youlise joined the group
Аўт 6
patmau joined the group
Пан 5
Djokodu972 joined the group
Суб 3
robisergi left the group
Срд 28
Ranger Donald Duck joined the group
Срд 28
Calloud77 left the group
Срд 28
Calloud77 joined the group
Аўт 27
DomiFélix ❤️ joined the group
Няд 25
PaulPaire joined the group
Няд 25
PaulPaire left the group
Няд 25
PaulPaire joined the group
Няд 25
pouilleuno85 joined the group
Чцв 22
Sebastien Dédé joined the group
Срд 21
Ranger Donald Duck left the group
They are in the group